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© Marlis Egger, H50 x W40 cm

(Poem: when Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons was first published in Amsterdam in 1725, each of the concertos was prefaced by an Italian sonnet which acted as a “program” for the work following it. They may well have been written by Vivaldi himself.)


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Vivaldi – Spring is part of the quilts I made for a Challenge. The theme was MUSIC.

When the new theme MUSIC was announced, it was terribly cold and we had snow here. I was longing so much for spring. So, when I have been thinking of MUSIC, my very first thought was The Four Seasons by Vivaldi – and of course the spring theme. Vivaldi is one of my favorite classical music composers.

I put the CD in my player and started pulling out my hand dyed fabrics – the colors which reminded me of spring.


Vivaldi – Spring ist einer der Quilts, die ich für eine Challenge machte. Das Thema war MUSIC.

Als das neue Thema MUSIC angekündigt wurde, war es sehr kalt und wir hatten Schnee hier im Tessin. Ich sehnte mich so sehr nach dem Frühling. Wenn ich ans Thema MUSIC dachte, kamen mir zuerst die Vier Jahreszeiten von Vivaldi in den Sinn – und natürlich das Frühlingsthema. Vivaldi ist einer meiner Lieblingskomponisten der klassischen Musik.

Ich schob also die CD in meinen Player und begann, selber gefärbte Stoffe heraus zu nehmen – selbstverständlich in Farben, die mich an den Frühling erinnerten.

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